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October 4, 2010


The First Day of School

by carrollministry

There are a lot of places that I could have been over fall break besides Browning but I made the choice and commitment in the first couple of weeks to come to and volunteer. As fall break drew closer I was having some regrets about not going home, or staying at school to do the school work that has been piling up and I was becoming slightly nervous about what I had really signed up for. After a lot of thought I was fairly sure that I was meant to come here for the week and decided to embark on the trip with an open mind and enthusiasm for what was in store. After this first day in the De La Salle school I am sure I made the right choice!
My experience in school today was absolutely amazing. There were so many noteworthy moments I can’t even begin to tell them all on this blog. I started my day with 14 smiling 5th grade faces welcoming me to school and ended my day with 14 smiling faces saying goodbye. I played basketball, ran line sprints (which I haven’t done in about 3 years), taught math, and baked cookies. During those activities I got to know the kids I was working with and heard stories that made me laugh and also those that made me understand the hardships these kids endure are real and appalling. I think the story that will stick with me most is when one little girl told me, completely out of the blue, “I hate going to Great Falls”. When I followed up with the question why? she said that people look at my mom funny and point, we are not liked them she explained. At that point my heart melted. That was a confirmation that I am in the right place this week. I am learning so much about myself and others. I hope as the week continues that everyone here can show this group of kids that people really do care about them and want to get to know them and their culture and secondly, that we are an example to them of the many possibilities this life has for them all.
I can’t wait to go back tomorrow. I know there are many more exciting things on the schedule. Thank you for all your prayers.
Chelsea Ford

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3 Comments Post a comment
  1. Sam Ford
    Oct 4 2010

    Proud of you. Smiles to think of you running line sprints again. Happy you are there and finding beauty and grace in all the corners of Montana.

  2. Andrea Ward
    Oct 5 2010

    Hey, I am glad you are having a wonderful time and it sounds like you are really learning a lot! You are all in my prayers, and I want to hear all about it when you get back! Love you ~ Andrea

  3. gillian brune
    Oct 5 2010

    Looks and sounds like you are having an experience like none other in your life. I love the perspective children have to offer the adults they encounter in their life- really listen, they provide us the most honest look at life and remind us about important things we might overlook when we get too worried about our own agenda. And, what could be better to clear the head and really get down to it then a few sprints-hope your old lady hip did not get the best of you. Love you all the stars, m


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